That this is my 3rd post this week? That wasn't really the point of the title but it is hard to believe.
The real question - is it possible that my baby turned 2 this week? No it can't be! It seems like only a few months ago that she was born or only a few weeks ago that we celebrated her first birthday!
What a difference a year makes...
July 2009
July 2010July 2011
Adelyn was born on 7/8/09 at 10:13pm which I've always thought was kind of neat... would've been even better if one of the nurses had just written down 10:11pm, right? She is growing up so fast and I am still amazed everyday at the new things she is learning or saying or concepts she understands. She has such a sweet spirit and brings such joy and laughter to our little family. Addie is such a good listener and fortunately we haven't seen much of the 'terrible twos' from her (I'm sure you're saying, "Yet!")
We gave her a dollhouse on her birthday on Friday which she loves! I was stressing about what to get her although I knew she would love any gift, but every morning she wakes up asking to play with her dollhouse so I guess we did alright this year!
We went to my grandparent's house for a visit over the weekend where they had cupcakes, we lit candles and sang and Adelyn loved it!
I can't wait for her party on Saturday to see how happy she is too see her friends and play! Stay tuned for that, and hopefully I won't take too long in posting about it :)
And one more...
Happy Birthday my little Addie Rooskie, Addie Roo, Pooskie, Peanut!