Wednesday, January 26, 2011

happy new year conjunctivitis!

New Year's Day my Peanut woke up with pink eye... a.w.e.s.o.m.e!

We cleared that up and the next weekend she had something like the flu... can it get any better?

She was in the clear for a couple of weeks and then lookie here! a double ear infection on Monday along with a hacking cough.

Okay February you've got to be better than January. 

See you soon!

p.s. Peanut was able to go to her first Nursery Class at church on the 16th.  She walked right in and never looked back.  Although there is a play kitchen you know, which is her fav so I'm sure that helped.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

"I wuh woo"

I hear:

"Pees mommy choc-it",
(Please mommy chocolate)

"Hep me",
(Help me)


"Mommy hold you"

several times a day, but the best sentence ever?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Beginning

What better time to start a new [overwhelming] project than the beginning of the year, right??  I'm hoping blogging (or my attempt at it) will help me to take more pictures and document our adventures in a fun way.  If nothing else, I'm sure my family will have a good laugh.

I guess I have to start somewhere.  I'll back up a little... to Christmas 2010 (since I do have a few pictures from then).
 Christmas tree farm (the tree in the background is the one Kyle cut down). 
It was f.r.e.e.z.i.n.g!

 Adelyn in the sled meant for hauling the tree

Christmas dinner with my mom's side of the family
This is well... *gulp* a blood relative and the man I'm married to (and
unfortunately he doesn't always dress this snazzy.)
Can you guess what Christmas movie character he is dressed as?

Also at the gathering is the Yankee Swap. 
This year's items were especially... um... special.
 Kyle received this moose that sings, "I Feel Good", for about 20 minutes
I was lucky enough to receive this eye patch... yes, eye patch.
Note to self: the pharmacy aisle opens up a whole new level of gift-giving for next year

Christmas Eve- our house
Dress Code: Your Best Christmas Sweater
(Too bad you can't get the full extent of each one)
Please note the following:
  • Yes, the theme of Kyle's is the Tazmanian Devil golfing (connection to Christmas?)
  • I embellished mine myself
  • Surprisingly, Alyssa's did NOT come from this year's fall fashion collection but if she jumps up and down, it jingles
  • My mom's is Speedy Gonzalez saying, "Feliz Navidad"
  • My dad's has a big ol' bass fish on it (connection to Christmas is another story)

Christmas Morning at our house

One of Adelyn's favorite gifts on Christmas morning- Princess Purse filled with goodies

 Christmas Day at my parent's house... that's a lot of stuff

That wraps up Christmas 2010 and let's hope for your sake the next post isn't this long. 

And too bad no one will actually be reading this because I need help figuring out how to see more of my background- it's pretty cute but you can't see it.

It would be fun to say something cute here like let me know what you think of my first post, except I'd be talking to myself haha