Monday, July 11, 2011

Can it be?

That this is my 3rd post this week?  That wasn't really the point of the title but it is hard to believe.

The real question - is it possible that my baby turned 2 this week?  No it can't be!  It seems like only a few months ago that she was born or only a few weeks ago that we celebrated her first birthday!

What a difference a year makes...

July 2009

 July 2010

July 2011

Adelyn was born on 7/8/09 at 10:13pm which I've always thought was kind of neat... would've been even better if one of the nurses had just written down 10:11pm, right?  She is growing up so fast and I am still amazed everyday at the new things she is learning or saying or concepts she understands.  She has such a sweet spirit and brings such joy and laughter to our little family.  Addie is such a good listener and fortunately we haven't seen much of the 'terrible twos' from her (I'm sure you're saying, "Yet!") 

We gave her a dollhouse on her birthday on Friday which she loves!  I was stressing about what to get her although I knew she would love any gift, but every morning she wakes up asking to play with her dollhouse so I guess we did alright this year! 



We went to my grandparent's house for a visit over the weekend where they had cupcakes, we lit candles and sang and Adelyn loved it!

I can't wait for her party on Saturday to see how happy she is too see her friends and play!  Stay tuned for that, and hopefully I won't take too long in posting about it :)

And one more...

Happy Birthday my little Addie Rooskie, Addie Roo, Pooskie, Peanut!


  1. she is the cutest ever! and her party was great!

  2. Aw what a cutie!! I can't believe how small she was, she just grew up so fast without me even realizing. She is basically the cutest little thing ever!!!!
